August 16, 2022
Our Spaces Without The Clutter

Less is the new more because organised clutter is still clutter.

It takes time to get rid of clutter. Sorting, streamlining, and organising everything we own is something many people truly enjoy. Other people, however, find the whole process boring and unappealing.

There is no doubt that you want a clean house and less stuff (or maybe you don't care about that, but the person you're living with does). Nevertheless, you shouldn't spend your weekends sorting clothes into piles or color-coordinating your pantry.

Can we live in a space without the clutter?

Clutter is the result of a compulsive collector who cannot bear to put worthless things in the bin or throw anything away that is broken.

Why should you declutter your home?

The cluttered space appears to be a trip at first glance - it is often well-organized, but very crowded. People feel a sense of accomplishment and control when they organize and declutter. Others find that getting rid of junk gives them more space in their homes.

So, can we get rid of the clutter? Changing is possible, it just takes a desire to do so. With a little pushing and some heartache, it can be done.

Here are some simple steps we can follow to cure the clutter-bug.

Be ruthless.

Play the role of someone who is moving. Clear the room of everything. It is best to do this one room at a time.

Bring back the main elements.

Bring back the most important items in the room. An example would be a sofa, couch, chairs, TV, stereo, side tables for the living room, or a bedroom with bedside tables, bed, dresser, etc.

Plan the layout.

Work out where all the important things sit in the space. Move them so the space flows and that you can move freely around the room.

Then sit down and have a look around, take a deep breathe in. How do you feel? You should feel liberated. You will find that your chest feels lighter and that the air seems to flow better.

What sparks joy?

Select a few things at a time to bring back into the room to decorate with, such as paintings, pictures, a vase, a rug, lamps; anything that sparks joy.

Do it slowly and feel how the space is changing. Pick out the best items that you want to show but do not use all of them.

Less is more.

You can stop right there! Yes, you do not have keep going. Less is better in a room. Put all the remaining items in the storage until you are happy with the new space. Later you can sort through it all, keep what is reusable, and donate the rest to a good charity or you could even sell it!

So, you can cure the clutter-bug, you can do this. Keeping yourself from becoming overwhelmed by your home's state or the amount of clutter is half the battle. One small decluttering project at a time, you can stay one step ahead of chores and create a home-and a life-that serves you well.

Eng Yousef Al Samhan

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